I know that title is HARD to swallow, but hear me out… I’m not a licensed counselor, but I’ve gained experience from abuse and hard-won freedom that a licensed counselor may not have. Am I altogether healed? I’m not sure that I ever can be in this life where sin is ever present. Am I mostly […]
A Simple Habit For A Happy & Healthy Marriage
A happy, healthy marriage won’t just happen by chance. We have to be intentional or no doubt, things will get flabby. My husband and I have had lots of issues throughout our 18 years together and of course, there’ll be more. What we’ve learned has mostly been the hard way. But there’s no need to […]
How To Reach Our Fitness Goals
Chances are, some type of fitness goal made it to your list of New Year’s resolutions, especially if you’re middle-aged like I am and realize that not paying attention to our health is not an option. How are you coming along with your resolution(s)? Are you still on fire or do the flames need some […]
My Word For 2017: Enjoy
My one word to focus on for 2017 is — The American Heritage College Dictionary defines it this way — enjoy (v.) 1. take delight or pleasure in 2. possess and benefit from I’m learning that the deepest enjoyment begins with the deepest sorrow. I’ve written quite a bit about my depression on the blog as […]
Encouragement For The Crushed In Spirit
When Sonny (now 15!) was little bitty, he was so attached to me. It was impossible to say bye to him without major separation anxiety. No amount of assurances that I’d be back calmed his fears and crying. The only way I could get away from the house without a meltdown from him and torment […]
An Honest Look Inside Homeschooling ~ Part 2 (Who Am I and Whose Am I?)
In the previous post, I explained that the main reason why we’ve chosen to homeschool our sons is to help them develop good character. That can mean totally different things to different people. We don’t believe that “good character” means we’re perfect — not even close. It’s simply a life of honesty, obedience and faith — […]
An Honest Look Inside Homeschooling (Part 1 ~ Why?)
You can read the introduction for this series here. ***I’ve been working on this post for a bit each morning for a week, trying to clearly develop my thoughts. Then yesterday, arguments happened. Emotions ran high. I felt like running away or going to my room and hiding under the covers until it all passed. […]
An Honest Look Inside Homeschooling (Introduction)
Let me start by saying that I don’t believe that homeschooling is for everyone. It’s a personal decision that every parent must make for themselves. The experiences and thoughts I’ll share are for the person who is considering homeschooling. Maybe you’re sitting there just as I was about 10 years ago, trying to weigh this HUGE […]
The Only Way Forward Is An Honest Look Back
We all need God to save us from our sin — to stand in our place on the front line of a spiritual battle we can never win. You can read my testimony here. Some of us also need God to save us from someone else’s sin.
3 Habits For A Healthy Soul
I have a love/hate relationship with traditional systems. As a somewhat OCD driven kinda person, I love organization and structure. How else would I get stuff done?! I make lists… long ones… for every-stinking-thing. I check stuff off and feel oh-so productive. Howeverrr, I hate the way formal systems encourage pretense and discourage real-life relationships.
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