My Focus For 2023…

I couldn’t nail down a single word for the year to focus on; it’s more of a philosophy — a way of life: easy, organic, natural, seasonal. In other words, I want a free-range life.

Dancing Creek
Amherst County, Virginia

I don’t want pressure from a world bent on pushing us toward unnatural growth and production— systematizing, mechanizing, mass-producing, bigger, faster, more complex, more overwhelming— stripping the humanity, soul and joy right out of life. Hard pass.

I’ve already been livin’ by this philosophy for years. The pressure to conform to the world’s unnatural way of operating continually pushes into every area of our lives. “…Yes, the danger must be growing, ‘cause the rowers keep on rowing, and they’re certainly not showing any signs that they are slowing…” 🤪 Name that tune. 😁

Anyway, I push back. If the mass market appeals to you, don’t waste your time here. I’m not headin’ that way, friend. Best of luck to ya!

If you’re still with me, we might be kindred, simple spirits. Wanting a simple life doesn’t necessarily mean we don’t have big desires. Their big-ness is just deep rather than wide and shallow.

Many of us were just in a whirlwind of holiday celebrations. We stop the music and quickly box it all up— on cue from the big businesses rushing us along. Never mind that…. things are mostly quiet and still. It’s a good time for reflection.

The landscape looks so dreary right now. I have to look longer and deeper to find some beauty. I see it in the distance— in the blue ridges, and in the clouds that hang low around ‘em. I see it in the sun’s rays stretching toward us; in how much more striking it is against a cold, blue-gray canvas. I see beauty in my memories of growing seasons past and my visions of those to come. I see it in the anticipation and hope that grows stronger in me. The seasons can teach us a lot when we’re more connected.

In this barren time, it’s easier to prune and get prepared for a fresh start. I’m not just talking about trees, shrubs and garden spaces, but any area of our life that we’ve started and have a desire to see flourish— something that’s been neglected due to the normal busyness of life that needs a fresh start.

I have many responsibilities and interests. As our boys grew ever more independent, my extra time grew too, allowing me to stretch my roots towards this changing season of life. There was more time for practicing old skills as well as learning and experimenting with new things.

As someone who loves physical activity — even requiring it for emotional/mental health— it was good to increase my work outside the home as a housekeeper.

I’m close to completing 12 months of training through Give Her Wings Academy to better advocate for the abused in Christian communities.

The busyness has been good, but it’s naturally led to a scattered writing life. The practice of writing about my many interests brings me a sense of peace and purpose. It needed some pruning and some order for a new season.

I had notebooks, binders, journals, a pile of scrap paper all filled with thoughts on a variety of subjects. My “Notes” app was a disorganized catch-all. I had started a Facebook page called “The Hope Chest” with the idea that it might be better or easier to share from.

Nothing wrong with any of that. I’m all for trying many different things to see what fits us best. Let the thing get overgrown for a time to see what it does or doesn’t produce, namely IN us. Does it produce unwanted things like anxiety, overwhelm, confusion? Then, it’s easy to see what needs to go. We can get to pruning to bring some order to it. It’s organic progress.

My little blog has sat dormant since 2018…. It’s time to wake it up. I’ll always love variety; “the spice of life.” I’m not someone who will have a “niche” as the business savvy teach. That’s just not me. I’m intensely curious about many things. I love to share about it all, but I also want to organize it into a single place. This blog just makes the most sense.

If you like the thought of natural, seasonal living and growing; of free-ranging, you’ll find it here.

Happy & healthy 2023…

Jamie ✌️❤️

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