Before I explain what I mean by quiet rebellion, I thought I’d share some reflections on the year— the highlights and the lowlights.. even the worst. I’ll start with the hard stuff so I can chase it with what’s good. So, I thought me & Dwight might divorce a few times this year. Just a […]
Growing Stronger In The Lord With Boundaries
Picture our life with Christ as a garden with all sorts of fragrant blooms, luscious fruits and tasty vegetables, ripening in the sun. As beautiful as that image may first appear in our minds, the reality is that this place is under constant threat.Any seasoned gardener knows that a large part of growing healthy plants […]
Growing Strong Through Weakness
When our boys were little, I heard “Look at me!” and “Watch this!” all day, every day. I so enjoyed my front row seat to The Sonny & Samuel Show — watching their excitement to be growing stronger and more independent by the minute. They climbed trees as high as they could go and proudly perched right […]
Growing Strong Through Your Story
Near the end of 2013, I was 39 years old and fighting for my life every moment of every day. It would’ve been easier to recover if it were my physical body mangled in some accident, but it was the deepest, unseen parts of me that were crushed. There’s no way I could have survived and […]
My Word For 2018: Strong
My one word for 2017 has been “enjoy” and enjoy I did — little things, big things and in-between things, but mostly enjoying the people I do those things with. I’ve got no intention of leaving enjoyment behind. I’m taking it with me from here on out. I know there’ll be sorrow, trouble and struggle in 2018 […]
When Giving Thanks Is Hard
Grief can visit us for countless reasons and it doesn’t care what time of year it is. The holidays really intensify your sorrow. THANKFUL, GRATEFUL and BLESSED is written across everything, while you struggle to feel any of that. Everyone is excited to gather and feast, but you can only think of how crushing it’ll be to paste on some happy […]
How To Reach Our Fitness Goals
Chances are, some type of fitness goal made it to your list of New Year’s resolutions, especially if you’re middle-aged like I am and realize that not paying attention to our health is not an option. How are you coming along with your resolution(s)? Are you still on fire or do the flames need some […]
My Word For 2017: Enjoy
My one word to focus on for 2017 is — The American Heritage College Dictionary defines it this way — enjoy (v.) 1. take delight or pleasure in 2. possess and benefit from I’m learning that the deepest enjoyment begins with the deepest sorrow. I’ve written quite a bit about my depression on the blog as […]
Encouragement For The Crushed In Spirit
When Sonny (now 15!) was little bitty, he was so attached to me. It was impossible to say bye to him without major separation anxiety. No amount of assurances that I’d be back calmed his fears and crying. The only way I could get away from the house without a meltdown from him and torment […]
The Only Way Forward Is An Honest Look Back
We all need God to save us from our sin — to stand in our place on the front line of a spiritual battle we can never win. You can read my testimony here. Some of us also need God to save us from someone else’s sin.
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