A happy, healthy marriage won’t just happen by chance. We have to be intentional or no doubt, things will get flabby. My husband and I have had lots of issues throughout our 18 years together and of course, there’ll be more. What we’ve learned has mostly been the hard way. But there’s no need to […]
What’s Better Than Wine?
This is my first time getting on board with the idea of choosing one word to focus on for the new year. What to choose??? First, it was helpful to look back at the past few years to sum them up with some descriptive words, to bring a sense of continuity.
On Christian Depression???
Who am I? Where am I? …those are just a couple of the questions that you’d find me asking God in my personal journal, after some circumstances left me dealing with a pile of emotional wreckage that sunk me into the depths of depression.
Where is Your Resting Place?
We wake up every day with the demands of this world rushing us here and there. There’s the media voices clamoring for our attention with the sensational. There’s someone’s unwelcome drama continually knocking on the door. There’s wrestling matches with decisions, decisions and more decisions. And then, there’s the failure to manage it all with grace. […]
Resistance Training for the Soul
This morning I woke up with more feelings of the downward drag than usual. Negative thoughts criss-crossed my mind, performing exactly as they’re designed to, to take me down emotionally & spiritually. I ran down the list of physical things that could have me feeling more vulnerable… couple of clues there. Fears of every sort […]
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